天麩羅 はちまき【東京都・神保町】デートで行きたい神保町でおすすめの天ぷら!大切な人と行くならこの和食!(隠れ家・名店・天ぷら・老舗)



店  名 はちまき
住  所 東京都千代田区神田神保町1-19
営業時間 【月〜金】
定 休 日 不定休
電  話 050-5487-1636
交  通 神保町駅から徒歩3分、御茶ノ水駅から徒歩10分
◆天ぷら◆絶対行きたい美味い天ぷらのお店ランキング https://bit.ly/tempura-taisetsunahito

[ Hachimaki [Jinbocho, Tokyo] Recommended tempura in Jimbocho that you want to go on a date! If you go with your loved one, this Japanese food! (Hidden, famous store, tempura, long-established store) ]

There is a Tenmaraya in Jimbocho, which was loved by literary masters such as Ranpo Edogawa and Masuji Ibuse. Inheriting the intention that the first generation started from the stalls, “Providing delicious tempura at a popular price”. The delicious taste of the famous “Conger Eel Tendon”. We want you to experience the tempura and taste that have been preserved for a long time. The budget is about 1,000 to 2,000 yen per person during the day and 1,000 to 10,000 yen per person at night. The menu and map (access) are at the end of the video!


#はちまき #神保町 #天麩羅 #和食 #天ぷら
#デート #記念日 #大切な人 #接待 #老舗
#クリスマス #グルメ #隠れ家 #カップル #東京


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