伊菜屋 TAKA【東京都・神保町・水道橋】デートで行きたい神保町でおすすめのイタリアン!大切な人と行くならこのレストラン!


[伊菜屋 TAKA]https://bit.ly/3fbEMeO


[ Isaiya TAKA Delicious Italian food in Tokyo, Jimbocho, Suidobashi. Taste the restaurant and food that the owner of a single-family restaurant has in mind ]

From the outside, “Oh, this shop is full of the love of the owner”, a wonderful shop that gives such an impression. After practicing in Italy, the cooking of a veteran chef for more than 30 years has become a habit. The budget is about 1,500 to 7,000 yen per person. The menu and map are at the end of the video!
[Inaya TAKA] https://bit.ly/3fbEMeO

A single-family restaurant that stands quietly in the back alley of Jimbocho. The menu with Japanese creations in Italian has a taste that you won’t get tired of even if you come every day. No, it becomes a habit. There is also a great set that the sauce is just a glass of exquisite pasta. All-seat smoking may be a little worrisome for those who do not smoke.


#伊菜屋TAKA #神保町 #イタリアン #隠れ家レストラン #一軒家レストラン
#水道橋 #デート #記念日 #大切な日 #大切な人
#クリスマス #誕生日 #大人の時間 #グルメ#東京


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